

【发布时间】:2024-09-24 07:39:00

[Macri] OKC/PHX talks have advanced past preliminary stages to discussion of expanding to a four-team deal involving the Clippers and Mavericks 据纽约记者Jonathan Macri报道,雷霆与太阳针对保罗的交易可行性讨论已通过初步阶段,目前讨论扩大到包含快船、独行侠在内的四队交易。 ———————— [–]Lakers Uckthebroncos 351 指標 1 天前 Oh shit Booker to the thunder ! 湖人球迷:我靠,布克要去雷霆了! [–]Suns Jbash_31 10 指標 22 小時前 You’re a funny man 太阳球迷:老弟说笑了 [–]Spurs Thehelloman0 30 指標 17小時前 Trades involving multiple teams are harder to get done but we have seen some trades like that happen recently 马刺球迷:一般涉及到多队的交易都会更难落地,但最近近些年咱们看过几次成功的案例。 [–]76ers bulldozer_rob 156 指標 17小時前 Wow he’s really getting traded to Phoenix. That’s nuts 76人球迷:哇,保罗看来真的要被交易到太阳咯。太疯狂了。 [–]Thunder salty_dogey 44 指標 13小時前 it’s an upgrade over rubio, and they can get experience competing late in the season and possibly playoffs if he indeed does end up in phoenix. 雷霆球迷:如果保罗真的去了菲尼克斯,比起卢比奥那就是一次升级,而且太阳还能在赛季末期甚至是季后赛得到经验加持。 [–]76ers bulldozer_rob 33 指標 13小時前 Yea it’s cool for them but it doesn’t really change the NBA landscape to me. Wish we could get him. But more importantly in that same trade, if the clippers get Rubio that’s gonna be a problem 76人球迷:没错,这对太阳有益,不过我觉得这对联盟格局不会有啥影响。希望我76人能得到保罗。不过这笔交易更让人头疼的是,要是快船得到卢比奥,那就麻烦了。 [–]Thunder salty_dogey 12 指標 13小時前 yeah it just makes the suns even more fun to watch, i really like watching phoenix play idk why. the clippers need rubio, CP3 would be great for them as he is a good scorer on his own but rubio fixes the playmaking issue 雷霆球迷:是的,保罗去了只会让太阳更好看,也不知道为啥,我确实很喜欢看太阳打球。快船需要卢比奥,虽说保罗也很合适,毕竟他得分能力很强,但是卢比奥能解决快船的组织问题。 [–]Bulls laughffyman 22 指標 15小時前 OKC is in rebuild, PHX is gearing up to be a contender, DAL is in win mode but has a bright future and won't mortgage it for short term success, and LAC are in desperate win now mode. Very curious to see how this plays out. 公牛球迷:雷霆处于重建期,太阳这是要打造争冠配置,独行侠处于赢球模式,但前景光明,且不会为了短期成功而透支未来,而快船则处于急需夺冠的赢在当下模式。 很想看看这四队一通操作过后是啥效果。 [–]76ers FoFoAndFo 81 指標 17小時前 Man I hope for the suns sake they don't give up too much for CP3. I think they could be really good but probably not on Paul's timeline. 76人球迷:希望太阳为了得到保罗不至于失去太多,我觉得他们会很厉害,不过也许保罗在的时候不会显现成效。 [–]Suns Tailsofthesix 45 指標 17小時前 I think it’s a 4 team deal cause suns don’t want to give up their pick. I believe Jones plan is to draft a pg and let CP3 mentor him. 太阳球迷:就是因为我们不想放弃选秀签,所以才是四队交易。我相信詹姆斯-琼斯的计划就是选一个控卫,再让保罗指导他。 [–]Knicks Fmbounce 12 指標 16小時前 Could someone tell me why the Suns would do this? no trolling please. Chris Paul would obviously be an upgrade to Rubio but then they're also helping the Clippers get better. Is it moreso to bring a winning culture in? 尼克斯球迷:谁能说说为啥太阳要这么做吗?别引战哈。保罗确实比卢比奥强,可这么一来,他们也增强了快船的实力啊。难道是为了打造赢球文化? [–]Suns Tailsofthesix 30 指標 16小時前 suns just want to make the playoffs, we don't care about making a finals contender better. it's not like the chances of us making it out of the west is high 太阳球迷:我们只是想进季后赛而已,是否让争冠球队更强我们不在乎。反正我们又不可能打进总决赛。 [–]Timberwolves goldenboots 10 指標 15小時前 Suns fans, take it from a wolves fan. Trading away Rubio as part of a win-now move will help you make the playoffs this year. And after that your future will be lost. It's not worth it. Rubio is absolutely amazing at building up the team around him, and while CP3 is amazing, trading away young assets for the upgrade is extremely short sighted. 森林狼球迷:我这个狼蜜说一句哈,送走卢比奥是你们赢在当下模式的一部分,这能帮助你们下赛季打进季后赛,但你们的未来就没有了,不值得啊。卢比奥肯定是适合建队的,虽说保罗很强,但是为了这次升级而交易走年轻资产,这种行为是极其短视的。 [–]Suns EloHellDoesNotExist 19 指標 15小時前 make the playoffs the next two years, have a ton of money coming of the books for a good FA class in 2022. turn yourself into a respectable team, get experience and mentorship for the young guys, become attractive to free agents when they have a ton of money to spend in a couple years. 太阳球迷:我们就是想在两年内打进季后赛啊,到了22年又有大笔钱去自由市场干一票大的。这两年先让球队赢得对手尊重、积攒经验,再锤炼年轻人,等到两年后资金充足时才能吸引自由球员。 [–]Vai2ius 23 指標 1 天前 First Wolves, then Jazz, now Suns... Feels bad for Rubio.... 先是森林狼,然后是爵士,现在又是太阳……卢比奥好惨…… [–]Timberwolves HotSteak 27 指標 19 小時前 He gets tons of love when he returns to Minnesota and Utah and I'm sure Phoenix would be the same. The guy basically wouldn't play a road game in the western conference 森林狼球迷:他离队后再回到明尼苏达和犹他的时候很受欢迎啊,我相信他以后回到菲尼克斯也是一样的待遇。这哥们儿在西部赛区基本就没有客场比赛。 ———————— [–]Celtics OverallPrettyGood 683 指標 17小時前 Rubio ends up with the Clippers in this scenario I assume? 凯尔特人球迷:照这情形,我猜卢比奥这是要去快船咯? [–]Heat chrispepper10 17 指標 14小時前 Not sure how Clippers would accommodate his salary though. They would probably have to trade Beverley in this scenario. There isn't room if all they are trading is Shamet. 热火球迷:不过我真不知道快船怎么匹配他的薪资。或许得送走贝弗利。如果他们只送走沙梅特的话,那就没空间了。 [–]Dazegobye 20 指標 16小時前 Just for shamet? I hope they have to pay more than that. Otherwise the rich just get richer 只肯出沙梅特?我希望他们多掏点,不然的话只会让富者更富。 [–]Raptors Hatarius 15 指標 15小時前 Clippers should not be dealing with Presti again lol, they just tryna get punked 猛龙球迷:快船不该再和普雷斯蒂做交易了,哈哈哈,还想被宰啊 [–]Thunder moneybooy 585 指標 17小時前 If they get him it would be a huge upgrade 雷霆球迷:如果他们得到卢比奥,那就是一次巨大的实力升级。 [–]Toronto Huskies IAmDaleicious 57 指標 16小時前 I agree. Rubio seems like a good locker room guy too, so I’d absolutely hop on that deal if I were the Clippers. 我同意。而且卢比奥貌似也是个不错的更衣室球员,所以如果我是快船管理层,这交易肯定得做。 [–]rSlashNbaAccount 411 指標 17小時前 Would fix their most important problem. Playmaker. 卢比奥能解决快船最大的问题:组织。 [–]Celtics OverallPrettyGood 77 指標 17小時前 Yeah they had been starved for a PG so that would be huge 凯尔特人球迷:是的,他们很渴求一个控卫,所以这笔交易很关键的。 [–]Heat Giannis1995 55 指標 13小時前 Imagine if Kawhi told them "get me a PG and I'll sign" and they misunderstood and got PG from OKC and after Kawhi heard the news he felt guilty for it so he signed regardless. 热火球迷:搞不好小卡当初跟快船管理层说的是“给我个PG(控卫)我就签约”,结果快船误会了,从雷霆搞来了真PG(乔治)。小卡得知这一消息后感到很愧疚,所以就签了。 [–]Like CalvinForHobbes 339 指標 15小時前 They'd get an instant boost on playmaking and likability; their two biggest flaws. 要是得到卢比奥,那快船的组织能力和人气将立马提升,这可是他们最大的两个短板。 [–]rSlashNbaAccount 197 指標 15小時前 The likability department is hopeless with PatBev and Morris. 只要贝弗利和莫里斯还在,他们的人气就不可能提升。 [–]Study Room-F 37 指標 15小時前 I actually don't mind Morris that much anymore, but I will always hate Bev 其实我倒没那么在意莫里斯了,不过我会永远讨厌贝弗利 [–][DAL] Maxi Kleber AsnSensation 160 指標 14小時前 Funny. Morris is much worse than PatBev 独行侠球迷:有意思哦,莫里斯可比贝弗利要坏多了 [–]ForteIV 27 指標 13小時前 Exactly lol. Pat Bev just barks, Morris is about that action 确实是,哈哈哈。贝弗利只会瞎嚷嚷,莫里斯那是要上手的。 [–]Spurs mdivan 6 指標 13小時前 I would bet $1 by the start of the season Bev, Morris and Harrel are not Clippers anymore 马刺球迷:我赌一块钱,等到赛季开始的时候,贝弗利、莫里斯和哈雷尔都不在队里了。 [–]Supersonics Zeech360 134 指標 16小時前 Hopefully he can change their culture. I guess they'd need to get rid of Trez, Pat and Lou for any real culture change though. 超音速球迷:希望卢比奥能改变快船的文化。不过我觉得他们得处理掉哈雷尔、贝弗利和路威。 [–]Raptors FlameOfWar 309 指標 16小時前 They don't need a culture change, just a playmaker. Changing coaches and some personnel is enough. People keep acting as if they were an 8th seed first round exit. 猛龙球迷:他们不需要改变球队文化,只是却一个组织者。换掉教练和一些人员配置就够了。别老搞得像快船上赛季是排在第八首轮游一样。 [–]76ers Kmahnlol4[ ] 167 指標 16小時前 For real The clippers fucked up, everything that could have gone wrong for them went wrong. People act like theyre suddenly a bad team for this one fuckup. Their lineup is still really solid, they dont need to blow it all up. A few minor adjustments here and there and they'll be back near the top at the start of next season 76人球迷:还真是。快船上赛季歇菜是因为诸事点背。别真以为他们因为这次拉胯就突然间变成烂队了。他们的阵容依旧很强大,没必要彻底推倒重来。少许微调就能让他们在下赛季初重返顶级行列。 [–]Pelicans zacree 38 指標 14小時前 Their lineup is still arguably one of the deepest in the league, tbh. These dudes had barely a season to play together and then played in the worst scenario in the history of the league for teams without great chemistry. If they didn't make any changes other than attitude and accountability, I could easily see them going all the way. The west is terrifying. 鹈鹕球迷:说实话,快船的阵容深度应该算是联盟最强之一。他们这些人都没有在一起打满过整个赛季,在缺乏化学反应的情况下又遭遇了新冠这个联盟史上最难境地。如果他们仅仅从态度和担当上做出改变,我还是觉得他们能够走到最后。西部太吓人了。 ———————— [–]nipslip69_420 360 指標 17小時前 I hope the Mavs keep DFS 希望独行侠能留住芬尼-史密斯。 [–]Mavericks d7h7n 45 指標 16小時前 i dont want him to leave, he's like the perfect role player 独行侠球迷:我不希望他离开,他就是那种完美的角色球员。 [–]Mavericks lost_in_trepidation 26 指標 16小時前 He's one of our most valuable players and that's without talking about the dirt cheap contract. 独行侠球迷:他是我们队内最有价值的球员之一,这还没算上他那份变态的白菜价合同。 [–]Mavericks kankka88 236 指標 17小時前 I love DFS and Maxi. If we trade either of them I hope we get a GREAT return. I think both are severely underrated by most NBA fans. 独行侠球迷:我喜欢电风扇和克莱伯。万一我们要送走他俩其中之一的话,那我希望能有丰厚的回报。我觉得他俩都被大多数NBA球迷严重低估了。 [–][SAS] Derrick White PartickNotPatrick 19 指標 16小時前 Kleber is low key one of the better defenders in the league, love his game 马刺球迷:克莱伯的防守其实是联盟中上游的,我很喜欢他的比赛。 [–]Mavericks Julian_Caesar 12 指標 16小時前 Actually I think other fans rate them relatively well. But both their contracts are absolute steals. 独行侠球迷:其实我倒觉得其他球迷对他俩的评价比较公道。不过他俩现在这价钱绝对是我侠赚了。 [–]Suns Tailsofthesix 117 指標 16小時前 I think y’all might get oubre. Basically what I’m seeing is thunder’s are just going to end up with picks 太阳球迷:我觉得你们或许能得到乌布雷,而雷霆大概就是冲着选秀签去的。 [–]Nets Lambchops_Legion 47 指標 14小時前* If I had to guess its Clippers receive: Rubio Suns receive: CP3 Mavs receive: Oubre Thunder receives: Shamet + Harrell + 18 It's essentially Rubio + Oubre for CP3, and then Oubre traded for pick 18, and Rubio traded for Shamet + Harrell. 篮网球迷:要我猜的话,快船得到卢比奥,太阳得到保罗,独行侠得到乌布雷,雷霆得到沙梅特、哈雷尔和18号签。换保罗必须得有卢比奥和乌布雷,然后乌布雷去换18号签,再用卢比奥换到沙梅特和哈雷尔。 [–]Thunder moneybooy 153 指標 17小時前 I hope we can get Shamet 雷霆球迷:希望我雷能搞来沙梅特。 [–]76ers lil_extro_vert_ 108 指標 17小時前 I’m surprised he wasn’t in the PG trade tbh 76人球迷:当初乔治那笔交易没打包沙梅特,这是很让我讶异的。 [–]Thunder LeBronicTheHolistic 24 指標 16小時前 I was telling all my friends how mad I was we didn’t get him alongside SGA. Hope we rectify that mistake, I think he’s gonna be a stud 雷霆球迷:我当时还跟我所有的朋友说自己有多生气,因为我雷没把沙梅特和亚历山大打包带走。希望这次能纠正错误,因为我觉得沙梅特很有前途。 [–]Trail Blazers johnsom3 39 指標 15小時前 Lol dont be greedy. You got a haul of picks AND Shai. 开拓者球迷:哈哈,别贪心。你们已经薅了一堆选秀签,还有亚历山大。 ———————— [–]Suns TropangTexter 342 指標 1 天前 Paul, Booker, Bridges, Ayton, Cam Johnson is a good core to run with. Not sure how Paul's contract will affect being able to dd surrounding pieces, but the MLE should still be there + the 10th pick. Should still be enough to bring back Saric or other depth pieces. Love this. Big move. 太阳球迷:保罗、布克、布里奇斯、艾顿、约翰逊,太阳这核心团队很强啊。 保罗的合同会对太阳补充其他辅助拼图有啥影响,这还不确定,不过他们应该还是有中产特例和10号签的。这应该足以续约萨里奇或者其他替补悍将。 这个神操作很对我胃口! [–]Wizards StrengthOf80Midgets 1553 指標 1 天前 Trading with Presti is a risky game 奇才球迷:和普雷斯蒂做生意风险很大哦 [–]Raptors Raptors2017champs 65 指標 1 天前 Trading with James Jones is very safe. 猛龙球迷:但是和詹姆斯-琼斯做生意就非常稳妥了 [–]Suns FireAndBud11 94 指標 1 天前 He did turn Ariza into Oubre though. 太阳球迷:可是他确实是把阿里扎换成了乌布雷啊 [–]Suns Erickonfire 62 指標 1 天前 By accident 太阳球迷:瞎蒙的 [–]Trail Blazers _Quetzalcoatlus_ 1201 指標 1 天前 Trading for an injury prone 35yo on an albatross contract who has clashed with other stars is also a risky game. 开拓者球迷:为了一个身背毒药合同且与其他球星队友有过冲突的35岁易伤老将,这也是在冒险。 [–]Trail Blazers RandyJoeP 365 指標 1 天前 It's only 2 years (including this year) so it's not nearly as bad as getting Westbrook/Love (3 more years). 开拓者球迷:也就两年啊(包括新赛季),所以这毒性远远比不上威少和乐福(还有三年)的。 [–][TOR] John Long RunicLordofMelons 43 指標 1 天前 Think about it this way: Adding a veteran PG who has shown he can mentor young stars, win your team games, and lead your team into the playoffs, onto a team that is ready to get itself into playoff contention and has to convince their young star not to demand a trade after he's spent his entire career losing. Risky game for sure, but a very high reward. 猛龙球迷:你得这么想:这个老将控卫既能指导年轻球星,又能带队赢球,还能冲进季后赛,最后还能现身说法劝诫那些年轻球星不要想着离队,因为他整个生涯都在四处辗转中迷失了。 这笔交易高风险是肯定的,但也是高回报。 [–]Trail Blazers RandyJoeP 155 指標 1 天前 I also think if all you're losing is Rubio/Oubre and a pick this year it's probably the best move you could make. CP3/Booker/Bridges/Johnson/Ayton is a decent starting lineup. I think you're running into issues on the bench since so much is leaving. Probably going to have to match Saric for the backup 4, hope Jerome improves from year 1-2, and get a good return on whoever signs for the MLE. You're probably going to be tapped out on depth. 开拓者球迷:而且我觉着吧,要是太阳失去的只有卢比奥、乌布雷和这赛季的一个选秀签,那或许是眼下能促成的最佳操作了。 保罗、布克、布里奇斯、约翰逊和艾顿这套首发还挺靠谱的,不过替补端会遇到麻烦,因为好多人都要走。 或许太阳得匹配萨里奇的报价留住他打替补四号位,再寄希望于杰罗姆这一两年快快进步,最后再签一个能贡献即战力的中产。 太阳的板凳深度大概会受到很大冲击。 [–]MiddleStudy 266 指標 1 天前 CP3 and Book could be a dirty backcourt. 保罗和布克这对后场组合变态啊 [–]Rockets RandomDoctor 160 指標 1 天前 Did you forget Ayton in the middle 火箭球迷:别忘了还有个艾顿 [–]Thunder dogfan20 23 指標 23 小時前 Such a great spot for him. It’s like taking a further progressed OKC under your wing. Very interesting. Possible playoff run. 雷霆球迷:太阳非常适合保罗。就好比带了一支加强版雷霆。很有意思哦,或许能打进季后赛。 [–]Thunder pikajewijewsyou 14 指標 22 小時前 If cp3 stays healthy I would see them being like a 5-6 seed and thats only cuz the West is so good. Cp3 fits in perfectly for them 雷霆球迷:如果保罗不伤的话,那我觉得他们能排在五六名,因为西部实在太强了。保罗完美适配。 [–]Lakers thedoctor0918 58 指標 1 天前 Add another playoff team in the West. Holy shit lol 湖人球迷:西部又多了一支具备季后赛实力的球队,我勒个擦 [–]Thunder RFFF1996 38 指標 1 天前 right now the only team that cannot make the playoffs is minnesota and sacramento right? 雷霆球迷:眼下没法冲击季后赛的西部球队只有森林狼和国王了吧? [–]chadingram6390 46 指標 23 小時前 I don't see a path for the Spurs either 我觉得马刺也没有眉目。 ———————— 来源:Reddit 编译:云长刮个痧

